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Surviving the Summer Sun

Writer's picture: April Brancamp, BCTNApril Brancamp, BCTN

DIY Natural Sun Protection:

Summer brings some of the best memories of my childhood: Long days spent outdoors until after the sun went down, days lounging at the local pool, in the sprinkler, at pool parties, at a local lake or creek. I loved every minute of it!

Those long summer days also brought long days of prolonged skin exposure from the sun’s rays. There is a lot of discussion and new research about how the chemicals used in sunscreens can be harmful, but so can the sun. What is one to do?

Getting enough Vitamin D is one solution to sun overexposure. Vitamin D has been shown to protect you from the sun’s harmful rays. Taking a good vitamin D3 supplement anywhere from 1000-5000 IU would be beneficial to most people. Most people are deficient in Vitamin D. Especially if you live in the Northern Hemisphere.

There are other alternatives that you can feel safe and secure using. Some essential oils are known to be great for the skin. For example, Lavender works well on burns and is a great additive in a homemade sunscreen. Peppermint will help cool your skin down naturally.

In the summer I prepare a spray bottle of Lavender and Peppermint mixed with water to use while we’re out in the sun. It cools us off and helps overexposed skin. Myrrh is another essential oil that is amazing for soothing the skin.

There are many wonderful oils that contain their own natural level of SPF! My favorite is red raspberry seed oil (not an essential oil). It naturally has an SPF of 30.

Try my homemade sunscreen recipe below. Let me know how it works for you!

Now, get out there and start making some AMAZING Summer memories!

Sunscreen Recipe 10 drops Helichrysum (can substitute with Lavender) 15 drops Lavender 5 drops Peppermint 3 drops Myrrh 1 teaspoon Red Raspberry Seed Oil (SPF of 28-50) 10 ounces of Organic Coconut Oil 1 small glass container

Contact me if you have questions or want to purchase essential oils used in this recipe!

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products discussed are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.


* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products discussed are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.

Holistic Solutions, LLC - - - 812.603.0910 - Columbus & Nashville, IN

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